Sibikwa host international inclusive dance, a first in the country
By CityLIfe Arts Writer
For the first time in South Africa, the Sibikwa Arts Centre will be hosting the Inaugural BODY MOVES International Inclusive Dance Festival for able-bodied and disabled dancers from 10 – 16 October 2022. Not only will the Arts Centre be hosting the Festival, but also the 5th Shukuma Mzansi! SA-EU Dialogue Democracy in Culture II in partnership with the SA-EU Strategic Partnership – The Dialogue Facility, Department of Cooperative Governance (DCOG), Department of Sports, Arts and Culture (DSAC), South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and South African Cities Network (SACN) and EU partner countries: France, Flanders, Ireland and Italy from 4 – 6 October 2022.
The Sibikwa Arts Centre is an award winning, multidisciplinary Centre of Excellence that leverages the performing arts for advancement. The centre is an NPO and aims to provide opportunities in arts and culture for the advancement of individuals, communities and the sector.
The Festival and the dialogues will take place from the 4th – 17th of October 2022. The Festival includes dancers and dance companies from Ireland, Flanders, Italy and Netherlands, supported by their embassies, as well as from South Africa and Uganda, supported by the British Council.
Not only does the festival promote cultural exchange, collaboration and cooperation between African and European countries, but it also provides disabled dancers with an opportunity to perform as abled dancers and also intends to challenge perceptions and expand the understanding of dance and disability.
Throughout the week of the festival, the programme will include the following activities:
– Dance and disability workshops will be held from the 10th – 14th of October and there will be performances by international and South African artists from mainstream schools and learners from special needs schools.
– There will be a professional exchange workshop for dancers and choreographers.
– A seminar will be held on the 11th and 12th of October, from 18:00 – 19:30. This seminar will be live-streamed on the Sibikwa Arts Centre Facebook page. The seminar aims to spark conversations between academics, civil society organisations and artists who are determined to mainstream disability in and through dance.
– The festival will take place on two days, the 15th and 16th, where solo, company and mixed-ability collaborative performances will take place.
This will all be taking place at the Sibikwa Arts Centre in Benoni.
Anyone can participate in the dance and disability workshops, as well as the seminar.
The Festival will be filmed as part of a collaborative research project on Disability, Dance and Citizenship in Africa by Dr Liane Loots (UKZN, SA) and Prof Yvette Hutchinson (University of Warwick, UK).
The performances will be taking place on the 15th & 16th of October. The day tickets are pre-sold on Quicket at R60andR75at the door.