Portrait of the Writer as a Young…Writer!
By CityLife Arts Writer
Times are hard granted, but also this is the time to get special prices as companies are putting some of their products on special prices to reactivate bsusiness after the the lockdown that saw business come to a stand still.
It is also pleassing to see that publishers are also putting books on special prices during this time when many people have limited disposable income.
“Since 2002, Jacana has published an astonishing array of debut novelists who have gone on to become household names. In this selection of novels, meet some of those writers and take this opportunity to read their first novels. You’ll get an insight into their inspiration – that spark, which lit their creative imaginations.
We offer you, our loyal readers, a limited special offer on a selection of our Dinaane Debut Fiction Award ebooks,” says the publisher in a statement released on Thursday, September 3.
The Dinaane Debut Fiction Award is a South African prize that aims to promote new southern African fiction that speaks to both a local and international audience. For the past 15 years, this prize has unearthed great new literary talent within South Africa and now within southern African countries.
The Award is administered by The Jacana Literary Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation which seeks to promote and foster excellent writing from South and southern Africa.